Cause & Effect

The world has evolved into one that makes it harder for us to be our most healthy and balanced selves. Faster lives are having a dramatic effect on our minds and bodies. With an overwhelming flow of conflicting ideas on what’s best for our wellbeing, it can be hard to know what we should be doing and how to apply change to our lives.

It’s natural that when we have a problem we first try to treat the surface symptoms. Having found your way here, you may have discovered that this approach doesn’t create lasting change. The simple reason for this is that every body is different. What your friend recommends, or what you’ve read online may not be right for you. It’s my job to dive beneath the surface and help you understand the causes behind any issues you may be experiencing, and to build an effective and sustainable plan to help you heal and rebalance.

How Nutritional Therapy Can Help

Whilst we cannot change our environment, we can change the way we live in it and make choices that can help us thrive, despite the external influences we inevitably encounter.

My goal is to help as many people as I can to achieve a greater level of wellness, encouraging clients to regain authority over their own health. Using a client-centered and science based functional medicine approach; my role is to identify imbalances and promote equilibrium.

Seeing the body and mind as a whole, health is not just the absence of disease but feeling well and full of life. This is true of both our physical and emotional selves - one affects the other.

My Journey

Having grown up in London, from an early age I experienced first hand the effects a fast paced lifestyle and constant stimulation can have. Originally coming from an Art background, I first discovered my passion for wellbeing in my early twenties.

A sense of feeling out of balance and my own struggles with anxiety took me on a journey to help myself. I felt a calling to direct my energy into a different area of meaning. Having re-trained as a Nutritional Therapist at The College of Naturopathic Medicine, I am now able to support others as they re-discover our bodies’ innate intelligence and its capacity to heal itself.


To find out more about the process and to book a session, follow the link below.